Case Study

Improve Halls Discipline with Browzer Learn

Browzer Learn Halls Discipline can save you time, money, and unnecessary stress when training and disciplining students in halls

The University of Manchester have been working with us to improve their Halls Discipline process, specifically around Fire Safety Training, using bespoke training decks created with Browzer Learn.

When we combine our Browzer Learn software with the enthusiastic support, knowledge, and creative craft our Browzer Team has to offer, the result is a powerful training module that provides your team with the support and results you need! Our Browzer Learn decks are created in a way that makes the training as engaging, useful and memorable as possible, and have analytics built into the platform to track exactly who has completed the training.

Uni of MANC

Why did the University of Manchester need our help?

The University of Manchester were struggling to change rule breaking behaviours in their halls. The disciplinary action for rule-breaking is either a fine or an in-person educational session, which requires time and resource from their team. This type of training isn’t necessarily consistent and often didn’t prevent the incidents from happening again. The University needed a way to better educate their students on Fire Safety in halls, make them aware of the consequences of rule breaking and keep a clear record of exactly what Fire Safety training each student has had. 

Key issues for The University of Manchester:

πŸ”΄ Students not engaging with existing fire safety training materials

πŸ”΄ Training and disciplinary actions are time consuming for staff 

πŸ”΄ No way to track if students have completed and and engaged with fire safety training

Browzer Learn was our solution

Browzer Learn helps automate and standardise safety training to make the process easier for staff and students, all for a fraction of the cost. You get fantastic analytics for continual improvement, one ‘source of truth’ for all the content, and full-data for compliance purposes

Our Browzer Team helped The University of Manchester by: 

βœ… Creating informative, engaging written and video content to build the training decks with

βœ… Ensuring the training decks were suitable for neurodiverse students

βœ… Providing insights and data to reflect compliance and identify students who have not completed the training or those who need more help

βœ… Providing support and guidance to the Residential Life Team, alongside the creation of the training decks  

browzer - explore - street view super charged

β€œWorking with CampusLife has been extremely beneficial in creating a more positive and educational approach to hall disciplinary outcomes. Their expertise in developing engaging content and their support in implementing the modules has been invaluable in improving the student experience in our halls of residence. We are excited to continue working with CampusLife to further develop modules that will help educate and empower our students to create a safer and more respectful living environment.”

Steph Fisher, Senior Residential Life Coordinator, The University of Manchester


These figures represent the first 6 months since the launch of the University's 'Halls Discipline' Browzer Learn platform


Bespoke areas of training


engagement rate


students enrolled

What the students said:  

“This course has made me realise the seriousness of fire dangers, made me appreciate why we have regulations in place and why they are defined the way they are, and made me feel ashamed of the naivety of my actions and understanding previous to this.”

“The fire safety course has taught me that my actions could have bigger consequences than I realised, and that I have a responsibility as a resident of Oak House to keep myself and others safe by not breaking the rules.”

“After taking the quizzes I am much more vigilant when it comes to fire safety and help my friends and flatmates to be too.”

“After completing the course, I’ve come to realise the profound impact that our behaviour can have on those around us.”

Students Pizza

But don’t just take their word for it, let us show you! 

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